I personally believe that the longest journey that man has to undertake is the journey towards the self. Indeed, man has conquered the things that surround him, even the heavenly bodies; but unfortunately man almost forgot the most important thing to be conquered which is the self.
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One's self image is made up of two factors, the positive and the negative side. The positive side is one's strengths and the negative side is one's weaknesses and limitations.Whenever I relate to people, I do not show them immediately these factors, especially my negative side. I tend to hide this side of me because I am afraid to be to be judged, criticized or being rejected. However, to be able for me to establish a good relationship with other people, I tend to wear a mask.
Each of us has a mask. Our masks symbolize truths in us that is being accepted by other people especially the society. This is the face that we show to the world. With this, our masks become our persona or public image. Wearing a mask is not bad but one should be mindful that wearing a mask is not always a necessity.
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Unmasking one's self is the first step in order to have a good self-esteem. This act of unmasking begins with the examination of the self. One should learn how to value one's self and treat it with dignity, love and reality. This begins with acknowledging and accepting one's strengths and weaknesses. Eventually this will lead to a healthy self-worth and most specially a healthy self-image.
truth! so many standards in society.. most people just keep on the line of this and forgetting their own self.. too bad.. thank you for this wonderful message sir! :)